C++ 에서 ^ ??
directX 예제 코드를 보다가
IFrameworkView^ Direct3DApplicationSource::CreateView()
이렇게 되어있는 코드가 있었다.
^(hat 이라 부른다)의미를 찾아보니 대충 스마트 포인터와 같은 의미인 것 같다.
공식 내용
Handle to Object Operator (^) (C++/CLI and C++/CX)
Handle to Object Operator (^) (C++/CLI and C++/CX) In this article --> The handle declarator (^, pronounced "hat"), modifies the type specifier to mean that the declared object should be automatically deleted when the system determines that the object is n
ref new, gcnew 관련 ( ref new, gcnew 으로 생성(?) 시 ^ 형으로 반환된다는것 같다.)
ref new, gcnew (C++/CLI and C++/CX)
ref new, gcnew (C++/CLI and C++/CX) In this article --> The ref new aggregate keyword allocates an instance of a type that is garbage collected when the object becomes inaccessible, and that returns a handle (^) to the allocated object. All Runtimes Memory